
What is Starsim?

Starsim is an open-source agent-based modeling framework for simulating the spread of diseases among agents via dynamic transmission networks. Starsim supports:

  • Co-transmission of multiple diseases at once, capturing how they interact biologically and behaviorally;
  • Non-infectious diseases, either on their own or as factors affecting the transmission or mortality of infectious diseases;
  • Detailed modeling of mother-child relationships starting from conception, allowing investigation of infant and childhood diseases;
  • Multiple types of transmission network, including theoretical (e.g. Erdős–Rényi) and realistic (e.g. age-assortative sexual partnerships);
  • Different intervention types, such as vaccines or treatments, and showing their impact through different delivery methods such as mass campaigns or targeted outreach.

For more information, please check out the:

Why Starsim?

High performance

Optimized vector computations and just-in-time Numba compilation mean Starsim achieves C++ speeds from pure Python.

Easy to use

Starsim's modular structure means you can reuse or adapt existing disease models, transmission networks, and demographics.

Global community

We're a community, not a product. We believe in transparency and collaboration to ensure the best global health outcomes.


If you have Python, you can install Starsim:

> pip install starsim


This is what an extremely simple Starsim simulation looks like:

  1. Create a susceptible-infectious-recovered (SIR) disease model with default parameters.
  2. Create a random transmission network between agents (also with default parameters).
  3. Run the simulation and plot the results.
import starsim as ss

sim = ss.Sim(diseases='sir', networks='random') # Create the sim
sim.run() # Run the sim
sim.plot() # Plot the results

You can easily customize model parameters, and run simulations in parallel:

  1. Create a dictionary defining the parameters of the simulation.
  2. Modify only those parameters you want to differ between scenarios.
  3. Run the simulations in parallel, and plot the results you are interested in.
import starsim as ss
import sciris as sc

# Set the parameters for the baseline simulation
pars1 = sc.objdict( # Note: can also use regular Python dictionary
	n_agents = 10_000,     # Number of agents to simulate
	networks = sc.objdict( # *Networks* add detail on how the agents interact with each other
		type = 'random',   # Here, we use a 'random' network
		n_contacts = 4     # Each person has an average of 4 contacts with other people
	diseases = sc.objdict( # *Diseases* add detail on what diseases to model
		type = 'sis',      # Here, we're creating an SIS disease
		init_prev = 0.1,   # Proportion of the population initially infected
		beta = 0.1,        # Probability of transmission between contacts

# Make a modified version of the parameters for the scenario
pars2 = pars1.copy(deep=True)
pars2.diseases.beta = 0.2

# Create the simulations
s1 = ss.Sim(pars1, label='Low transmission')
s2 = ss.Sim(pars2, label='High transmission')

# Run and plot the simulations
msim = ss.parallel(s1, s2)

Everything in Starsim can be customized, including diseases, demographics, and intervention. This example shows how to write custom interventions, namely a vaccine product and vaccination campaign:

import starsim as ss
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Define the simulation parameters
pars = dict(
	n_agents = 20_000,
	birth_rate = 20,
	death_rate = 15,
	networks = dict(
		type = 'random',
		n_contacts = 4
	diseases = dict(
		type = 'sir',
		dur_inf = 10,
		beta = 0.1,

# Create the product: a vaccine with 50% efficacy
my_vaccine = ss.sir_vaccine(efficacy=0.5)

# Create the vaccine campaign
campaign = ss.routine_vx(
	start_year = 2015,    # Begin vaccination in 2015
	prob = 0.2,           # 20% coverage
	product = my_vaccine  # Use the MyVaccine product

# Now create two sims: a baseline sim and one with the intervention
sim_base = ss.Sim(pars=pars)
sim_intv = ss.Sim(pars=pars, interventions=campaign)

# Run sims in parallel
sims = ss.parallel(sim_base, sim_intv).sims
base = sims[0].results
vax = sims[1].results

# Plot
plt.plot(base.yearvec, base.sir.prevalence, label='Baseline')
plt.plot(vax.yearvec, vax.sir.prevalence, label='Vaccine')
plt.axvline(x=2015, color='k', ls='--')
plt.title('Vaccine impact')


Upcoming events
Starsim Learning Day
Oct. 3, 2024: Seattle, USA
We conducted a full-day information and training session on Starsim as part of the 2024 IDM Symposium. Course content is available here.
Past events
Starsim @ AIDS 2024
Jul. 25, 2024: Munich, Germany
A poster on using Starsim to model HIV-STI coinfection was presented at the AIDS 2024 conference. The poster is available here.
Starsim Launch
Jul. 10, 2024: Tacoma, USA
Starsim v1.0 was officially launched at the SciPy 2024 conference. The slides from the talk are available here.
Agent-Based Modelling Training
Apr. 8-19, 2024: Nairobi, Kenya
In collaboration in the African Population & Health Research Center (APHRC) and the Center for Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis (CEMA), we conducted a workshop on agent-based modeling, including Starsim. The brochure is available here; other materials are available upon request.


Starsim has not yet been published. But if you want to cite it, please use:

Cliff Kerr, Robyn Stuart, Romesh Abeysuriya, Jamie Cohen, Paula Sanz-Leon, Alina Muellenmeister, Daniel Klein (2024).
Starsim: A fast, flexible toolbox for agent-based modeling of health and disease. In preparation.


Have questions? Want to collaborate? We'd love to hear from you!