What is Starsim?
Starsim is an open-source agent-based modeling framework for simulating the spread of diseases among agents via dynamic transmission networks. Starsim supports:
- Co-transmission of multiple diseases at once, capturing how they interact biologically and behaviorally;
- Non-infectious diseases, either on their own or as factors affecting the transmission or mortality of infectious diseases;
- Detailed modeling of mother-child relationships starting from conception, allowing investigation of infant and childhood diseases;
- Multiple types of transmission network, including theoretical (e.g. Erdős–Rényi) and realistic (e.g. age-assortative sexual partnerships);
- Different intervention types, such as vaccines or treatments, and showing their impact through different delivery methods such as mass campaigns or targeted outreach.
For more information, please check out the:
Why Starsim?
High performance
Optimized vector computations and just-in-time Numba compilation mean Starsim achieves C++ speeds from pure Python.
Easy to use
Starsim's modular structure means you can reuse or adapt existing disease models, transmission networks, and demographics.
Global community
We're a community, not a product. We believe in transparency and collaboration to ensure the best global health outcomes.
If you have Python, you can install Starsim:
> pip install starsim
This is what an extremely simple Starsim simulation looks like:
- Create a susceptible-infectious-recovered (SIR) disease model with default parameters.
- Create a random transmission network between agents (also with default parameters).
- Run the simulation and plot the results.
import starsim as ss
sim = ss.Sim(diseases='sir', networks='random') # Create the sim
sim.run() # Run the sim
sim.plot() # Plot the results
You can easily customize model parameters, and run simulations in parallel:
- Create a dictionary defining the parameters of the simulation.
- Modify only those parameters you want to differ between scenarios.
- Run the simulations in parallel, and plot the results you are interested in.
import starsim as ss
import sciris as sc
# Set the parameters for the baseline simulation
pars1 = sc.objdict( # Note: can also use regular Python dictionary
n_agents = 10_000, # Number of agents to simulate
networks = sc.objdict( # *Networks* add detail on how the agents interact with each other
type = 'random', # Here, we use a 'random' network
n_contacts = 4 # Each person has an average of 4 contacts with other people
diseases = sc.objdict( # *Diseases* add detail on what diseases to model
type = 'sis', # Here, we're creating an SIS disease
init_prev = 0.1, # Proportion of the population initially infected
beta = 0.1, # Probability of transmission between contacts
# Make a modified version of the parameters for the scenario
pars2 = pars1.copy(deep=True)
pars2.diseases.beta = 0.2
# Create the simulations
s1 = ss.Sim(pars1, label='Low transmission')
s2 = ss.Sim(pars2, label='High transmission')
# Run and plot the simulations
msim = ss.parallel(s1, s2)
Everything in Starsim can be customized, including diseases, demographics, and intervention.
This example shows how to write custom interventions, namely a vaccine product and vaccination campaign:
import starsim as ss
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Define the simulation parameters
pars = dict(
n_agents = 20_000,
birth_rate = 20,
death_rate = 15,
networks = dict(
type = 'random',
n_contacts = 4
diseases = dict(
type = 'sir',
dur_inf = 10,
beta = 0.1,
# Create the product: a vaccine with 50% efficacy
my_vaccine = ss.sir_vaccine(efficacy=0.5)
# Create the vaccine campaign
campaign = ss.routine_vx(
start_year = 2015, # Begin vaccination in 2015
prob = 0.2, # 20% coverage
product = my_vaccine # Use the MyVaccine product
# Now create two sims: a baseline sim and one with the intervention
sim_base = ss.Sim(pars=pars)
sim_intv = ss.Sim(pars=pars, interventions=campaign)
# Run sims in parallel
sims = ss.parallel(sim_base, sim_intv).sims
base = sims[0].results
vax = sims[1].results
# Plot
plt.plot(base.yearvec, base.sir.prevalence, label='Baseline')
plt.plot(vax.yearvec, vax.sir.prevalence, label='Vaccine')
plt.axvline(x=2015, color='k', ls='--')
plt.title('Vaccine impact')
Upcoming events
Oct. 3, 2024: Seattle, USA
Past events
Jul. 25, 2024: Munich, Germany
Jul. 10, 2024: Tacoma, USA
Apr. 8-19, 2024: Nairobi, Kenya
Starsim has not yet been published. But if you want to cite it, please use:
Cliff Kerr, Robyn Stuart, Romesh Abeysuriya, Jamie Cohen, Paula Sanz-Leon, Alina Muellenmeister, Daniel Klein (2024). Starsim: A fast, flexible toolbox for agent-based modeling of health and disease. In preparation.